Terms and Conditions / Pogoji poslovanja
English version
The general terms and conditions of the Glasbarium Web Store are compiled in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot-UPB2), based on the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and international codes for e-commerce. The Glasbarium Web Store (hereinafter referred to as the “store” or “Glasbarium Web Store”) is operated by the company: Zavod Melem, Partizanska 44, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia. Registration number: 8679967000, Tax number: 81291019, Email: [email protected], e-commerce service provider (hereinafter “provider”).
Glasbarium Web Store undertakes to provide the user with the following information at all times:
- company identity (company name and registered office, registration and tax number),
- contact information that enables the user to communicate quickly and efficiently (e-mail, telephone),
- essential characteristics of the goods or services (including after-sales services and guarantees),
- product availability (any product offered on the website should be available within a reasonable time),
- conditions of product delivery (method, place and delivery time),
- all prices must be clearly and unambiguously set and it must be clearly shown whether they already include taxes and transport costs,
- method of payment and delivery,
- time validity of the offer,
- the period within which it is still possible to withdraw from the contract and the conditions for withdrawal; in addition, if and how much it costs the customer to return the product,
- an explanation of the complaint procedure, including all details of the contact person or customer service.
Due to the nature of online business, the offer and prices in the Glasbarium Web Store are updated and changed frequently. The price in the Glasbarium Web Store is the same for both registered members and guests of the online store. Prices are valid at the time of placing the order and do not have a predetermined validity.
The purchase agreement between Glasbarium Web Store and the customer in the Glasbarium Web Store is concluded at the moment when Glasbarium Web Store sends the customer the first e-mail confirming his order. From this moment on, all prices and other conditions are fixed and apply to both the Glasbarium Web Store and the customer.
The sales contract (i.e. the first electronic order status message) is stored electronically on the Glasbarium Web Store server and is available to consumers upon their written request.
All orders placed during the working day will be dispatched within five working days from the day we receive payment. In the case of products where a longer delivery time is specifically marked, this is taken into account. We ask for tolerance in the delivery time, as some products are handmade and we reserve the right to a longer delivery time for a larger number of orders.
The Glasbarium Web Store provides the following payment methods:
- by credit card (Powered by Paypal)
- Paypal
The provider issues an invoice to the buyer on a durable medium, with a breakdown of costs and instructions on how to withdraw from the purchase and return the items if necessary and possible. The order is stored in electronic form on the provider’s server and is accessible to the customer at any time in his user profile.
After placing the order, the buyer receives a notification by e-mail that the order has been accepted. The Glasbarium Web Store may call the customer on his contact telephone number to verify the information or to ensure the accuracy of the delivery.
The purchase procedure for legal entities is exactly the same as for natural persons, except that at the end of the purchase he also enters the name of the company and the tax number of the company. There are also equal payment options.
In the case of distance contracts, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract to the company by e-mail ([email protected]) within 14 days, without having to state the reason for his decision.
The consumer must return the goods to the company no later than 7 days after the notice of withdrawal from the order. The consumer returns the goods to the address: Glasbarium Web Shop, Maistrova 6, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia. The only cost borne by the consumer in connection with the withdrawal from the order is the direct cost of returning the goods.
The consumer must return the item to the seller undamaged and in the same quantity, with the label, unless the item is destroyed, damaged, lost or its quantity has decreased without the consumer’s fault.
When returning the goods, the consumer also sends an invoice for the goods and personal data and a transaction account to which he wishes to receive the returned payment. We will refund the payment within 14 days of receiving notice of withdrawal from the contract.
The seller is liable for material defects that the thing had at the time the danger passed to the buyer, regardless of whether he was aware of it or not. The seller is also liable for those material defects that appear after the danger has passed to the buyer, if they are due to a cause that already existed before. A slight factual error is disregarded.
The Glasbarium Web Store and all data on it, images of articles, graphic and video elements on the website are protected and may not be reproduced or used without prior written permission.
Glasbarium Web Store makes every effort to ensure that the information published on its websites is up-to-date and correct. Nevertheless, the characteristics of the items, delivery time or price may change so quickly that the Glasbarium Web Store sometimes fails to correct the information on the websites. In such a case, Glasbarium Web Store will notify the customer of the changes and allow him to withdraw from the contract or replace the ordered item.
We reserve the right to disable the website or disable access to it due to technical or other problems and maintenance, which also means disabling or hindering the use of the online store. In case of technical problems on the website, we reserve the right to cancel placed orders that have been affected by a technical error. In the event of order cancellation, we will notify you as soon as possible and inform you of the next steps. You must ensure that the equipment (antivirus, etc.) is adequately protected against accessing and using the website. The customer must ensure the appropriate security and confidentiality of the information used to log in to the website (email address, password).
Glasbarium Web Store complies with applicable European consumer protection legislation. Glasbarium Web Store makes every effort to fulfill its duty to set up an effective complaint handling system and to designate a person with whom, in the event of problems, the customer can contact by telephone or e-mail.
The complaint is submitted via e-mail address [email protected]. The appeal procedure is confidential. Glasbarium Web Store will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five working days, inform the customer how long it will take to process it and keep him informed of the progress of the procedure.
Glasbarium Web Store is aware that an essential feature of a consumer dispute, at least as far as judicial resolution is concerned, is its disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the costs incurred in resolving the dispute itself. This is also the main obstacle to the consumer not initiating a dispute in court. Therefore, Glasbarium Web Store strives to the best of its ability to resolve any disputes amicably.
In the case of judicial settlement of disputes, the competent court is in Maribor.
In accordance with legal norms, we do not recognize any provider of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes as competent for resolving a consumer dispute, which would be In accordance with the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act, the Glasbarium Web Store, which as a provider of goods and services enables online commerce in Slovenia, publishes an electronic link to the online consumer dispute resolution platform (SRPS). The platform is available to consumers at the link HERE (https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN).
That regulation derives from the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes Act, Regulation (EU) no. Regulation (EC) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the online settlement of consumer disputes and amending Regulation (EC) No 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22 / EC.
The provider undertakes to permanently protect all personal data of the user. The provider keeps the IP addresses of all visitors to the Glasbarium Web Store for an indefinite period of time. The provider will use personal data exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the order (sending information material, offers, invoices) and other necessary communication. Under no circumstances will the user’s data be passed on to unauthorized persons.
The provider uses appropriate technological and organizational means to protect the transfer and storage of personal data and payments. Secure credit card transactions are handled by Paypal, with a range of security certificates and preventative features that protect both the buyer and the seller. Card information is not stored on the provider’s server.
At Glasbarium Web Store, we strive to ship all orders in the shortest possible time. In most cases, you will receive your order in Slovenia at home in 1-3 working days.
Delivery costs are calculated according to the price list below:
Slovenska različica
Splošni pogoji spletne trgovine Glasbarium Web Store so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot-UPB2), na podlagi priporočil GZS in mednarodnih kodeksov za e-poslovanje. S spletno trgovino Glasbarium Web Store (v nadaljevanju »trgovina« ali » Glasbarium Web Store «) upravlja podjetje: Zavod Melem, Partizanska 44, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija. Matična številka: 8679967000, Davčna številka: 81291019, Email: [email protected], ponudnik storitev e-poslovanja (v nadaljevanju »ponudnik«).
Glasbarium Web Store se zavezuje, da bo uporabniku vselej zagotovil naslednje informacije:
- identiteto podjetja (ime in sedež podjetja, matično in davčno številko),
- kontaktne podatke, ki uporabniku omogočajo hitro in učinkovito komunikacijo (e-pošta, telefon),
- bistvene značilnosti blaga oziroma storitev (vključno s poprodajnimi storitvami in garancijami),
- dostopnost izdelkov (vsak izdelek, ki je v ponudbi na spletnem mestu, naj bi bil dostopen v razumljivem roku),
- pogoje dostave izdelka (način, kraj in rok dostave),
- vse cene morajo biti jasno in nedvoumno določene in razvidno mora biti prikazano, ali že vsebujejo davke in stroške prevoza,
- način plačila in dostave,
- časovno veljavnost ponudbe,
- rok, v katerem je še možno odstopiti od pogodbe in pogojih za odstop; poleg tega tudi o tem, če in koliko stane kupca vračilo izdelka,
- pojasnilo postopka ob pritožbi, vključno z vsemi podatki o kontaktni osebi ali službi za stike s kupci.
Zaradi narave poslovanja prek spleta se ponudba in cene v spletni trgovini Glasbarium Web Store ažurirajo in spreminjajo pogosto. Cena v spletni trgovini Glasbarium Web Store je enaka tako za registrirane člane kot za goste spletne trgovine. Cene veljajo v trenutku oddaje naročila in nimajo v naprej določene veljavnosti.
Kupoprodajna pogodba med Glasbarium Web Store in kupcem je v spletni trgovini Glasbarium Web Store sklenjena v trenutku, ko Glasbarium Web Store kupcu pošlje prvo elektronsko sporočilo o potrditvi njegovega naročila. Od tega trenutka so vse cene in drugi pogoji fiksirani in veljajo tako za Glasbarium Web Store kot za kupca.
Kupoprodajna pogodba (t.j. prvo elektronsko sporočilo o statusu naročila) je v elektronski obliki shranjena na strežniku Glasbarium Web Store in je potrošnikom na voljo na njihovo pisno zahtevo.
Vsa naročila, oddana med delavnikom, odpošljem v roku petih delovnih dni, od dneva, ko prejmemo plačilo. Pri izdelkih, kjer je posebej označen daljši dostavni rok se upošteva le-ta. Prosimo za strpnost pri roku dostave, saj so nekateri izdelki ročno delo in si pri večji količini naročil pridržujemo pravico do daljšega dostavnega roka.
Po oddaji naročila kupec prejme obvestilo po elektronski pošti, da je naročilo sprejeto. Glasbarium Web Store lahko za preverjanje podatkov ali zaradi zagotavljanja točnosti dobave pokliče kupca na njegovo kontaktno telefonsko številko.
Postopek nakupa za pravne osebe je popolnoma enak kot za fizične osebe, le da na zaključku nakupa vpiše še naziv podjetja in davčno številko podjetja. Prav tako so enake možnosti plačila.
Pri pogodbah, sklenjenih na daljavo, ima potrošnik pravico, da v 14 dneh podjetju na elektronski naslov ([email protected]), da odstopa od pogodbe, ne da bi mu bilo treba navesti razlog za svojo odločitev.
Potrošnik mora najkasneje v 7 dneh po sporočilu o odstopu od naročila podjetju vrniti blago. Potrošnik vrne blago na naslov: Glasbarium Web Shop, Maistrova 6, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija. Edini strošek, ki bremeni potrošnika v zvezi z odstopom od naročila, je neposredni strošek vračila blaga.
Potrošnik mora artikel vrniti prodajalcu nepoškodovan in v nespremenjeni količini, z etiketo, razen če je artikel uničen, pokvarjen, izgubljen ali se je njegova količina zmanjšala, ne da bi bil za to kriv potrošnik.
Potrošnik ob vračilu blaga pošlje tudi račun za blago in osebne podatke ter transakcijski račun, na katerega želi prejeti vrnjeno plačilo. Vračilo plačila bomo opravili v 14 dneh od prejema obvestila o odstopu od pogodbe.
Prodajalec odgovarja za stvarne napake, ki jih je stvar imela takrat, ko je nevarnost prešla na kupca, ne glede na to, ali mu je bilo to znano ali ne. Prodajalec odgovarja tudi za tiste stvarne napake, ki se pokažejo potem, ko je nevarnost prešla na kupca, če so posledica vzroka, ki je obstajal že pred tem. Neznatna stvarna napaka se ne upošteva.
Spletna trgovina Glasbarium Web Store in vsi podatki na njej, slike artiklov, grafični in video elementi na spletni strani so zaščiteni in jih ni dovoljeno reproducirati ali uporabljati brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja.
Glasbarium Web Store se po svojih najboljših močeh trudi zagotoviti ažurnost in pravilnost podatkov, ki so objavljeni na njenih spletnih straneh. Kljub temu pa se lahko lastnosti artiklov, rok dobave ali cena spremenijo tako hitro, da Glasbarium Web Store včasih ne uspe popraviti podatkov na spletnih straneh. V takem primeru, bo Glasbarium Web Store kupca obvestila spremembah in mu omogočil odstop od pogodbe ali zamenjavo naročenega artikla.
Pridržujemo si pravico onemogočiti spletno stran ali onemogočiti dostop do nje zaradi tehničnih ali drugih težav in vzdrževanja, kar pomeni tudi onemogočenje ali oviro za uporabo spletne trgovine. V primeru tehničnih težav na spletni strani si pridružujemo pravico preklicati oddana naročila, katere je tehnična napaka prizadela. V primeru preklica naročil vas bomo obvestili v najkrajšem možnem času in vas seznanili z nadaljnjimi koraki. Sami morate zagotoviti ustrezno zaščito opreme (antivirus itd.) pred dostopom do spletne strani in uporabo le-te. Kupec mora zagotoviti ustrezno varnost in zaupnost tistih podatkov, ki se uporabljajo za prijavo na spletni strani (elektronski naslov, geslo).
Glasbarium Web Store spoštuje veljavno evropsko zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov. Glasbarium Web Store se po vseh močeh trudi izpolnjevati svojo dolžnost vzpostaviti učinkovit sistem obravnavanja pritožb in določiti osebo, s katero se, v primeru težav, kupec lahko poveže telefonsko ali po elektronski pošti.
Pritožba se odda prek e-poštnega naslova [email protected]. Postopek obravnave pritožbe je zaupen. Glasbarium Web Store bo v petih delovnih dneh potrdila, da je prejela pritožbo, sporočila kupcu, kako dolgo jo bo obravnavala in ga vseskozi obveščala o poteku postopka.
Glasbarium Web Store se zaveda, da je bistvena značilnost potrošniškega spora, vsaj kar zadeva sodno reševanje, njegova nesorazmernost med ekonomsko vrednostjo zahtevka in stroški, ki nastanejo pri reševanju samega spora. To je tudi glavna ovira, da potrošnik ne sproži spora pred sodiščem. Zato si Glasbarium Web Store prizadeva po svojih najboljših močeh, da se morebitni spori rešijo sporazumno.
V primeru sodnega reševanja sporov je pristojno sodišče v Mariboru.
Skladno z zakonskimi normativi ne priznavamo nobenega izvajalca izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov kot pristojnega za reševanje potrošniškega spora, ki bi ga potrošnik lahko sprožil v skladu z Zakonom o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov Glasbarium Web Store, ki kot ponudnik blaga in storitev omogoča spletno trgovino na območju Slovenije, na svoji spletni strani objavlja elektronsko povezavo na platformo za spletno reševanje potrošniških sporov (SRPS). Platforma je na voljo potrošnikom na povezavi TUKAJ.
Navedena ureditev izhaja iz Zakona o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov, Uredbe (EU) št. 524/2013 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o spletnem reševanju potrošniških sporov ter spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2016/2004 in Direktive 2009/22/ES.
Ponudnik se zavezuje k trajnemu varovanju vseh osebnih podatkov uporabnika. Ponudnik za nedoločen čas hrani IP naslove vseh obiskovalcev spletne trgovine Glasbarium Web Store. Ponudnik bo osebne podatke uporabil izključno za potrebe izpolnitve naročila (pošiljanje informativnega gradiva, ponudb, računov) in ostalo potrebno komunikacijo. Uporabnikovi podatki v nobenem primeru ne bodo predani nepooblaščenim osebam.
Ponudnik uporablja ustrezna tehnološka in organizacijska sredstva za zaščito prenosa in shranjevanja osebnih podatkov ter plačil. Za varne transakcije s kreditnimi karticami skrbi podjetje Paypal, z vrsto varnostnih certifikatov, in preventivnih funkcij, ki ščitijo tako kupca kot prodajalca . Podatki o karticah se ne shranjujejo na strežniku ponudnika.
V Glasbarium Web Store si prizadevamo, da vsa naročila odpremimo v najkrajšem možnem času. V večini primerov vaše naročilo v Sloveniji dobite na dom v 1-3 delovnih dneh.
Stroški dostave se obračunajo po spodaj navedenem ceniku: